Make a booking

1. Decide when and how often you need to meet or use the space/resource you are choosing. 

2. Choose a room or resource from the Rooms page

3. Check the calendar for a spare slot here

4. If your account is not set up for making bookings via the calendar, request a booking using the form below


We will then email you back to confirm your booking.

Please make sure you have read the following information:

Once you have sent us your booking request, we will confirm the booking by email within 2 working days.  If the booking is not possible, we will contact you to discuss and hopefully be able assist you in finding an alternative room that is suited to your needs.

If your booking need is urgent or you don't have an email then please call the Centre on 06 3088 239.

Please note that the office is open from 9:00am to 3:00pm Monday to Friday.

You can also contact the Centre by sending an email to

Still have questions?  Have a look at our Frequently Asked Questions FAQs

    Online Booking Request Form

    Please fill out the form below to request a booking.
    Make sure you read the Terms and Conditions and the Centre policies (see above). The Terms and Conditions document explains a few things about the venue, how cancellations work and discusses how we can help you advertise your activity. Please read this before you fill out this form.

    Bookings and enquiries should normally be processed within two business days.
    If your booking is more urgent than this, please call 06 308 8239.

    Your Name

    Company/Organisation (if applicable)

    Postal Address

    Your phone number

    Your Email

    Purpose (description of event/activity/service)

    Hirer Description

    Room/s Needed (room descriptions - Rates)

    To select multiple rooms, hold Control (mac - Command) and click on each room required

    Date Needed (dd/mm/yyyy)

    Start Time (including setup)

    Finish Time (including packup)

    Other Information:


    I agree to the Terms and Conditions and I have read and agree to comply with the Centre's Health and Safety and Child Protection Policies. (top of page)