Health & Fitness

Pilates for Wellness

When: Mondays 9.30 - 10.15am (during school term time)
Contact: Sara -
Cost: Pay what you can (between $10 & $20)
For example -
$20 – For those who are financially well-resourced. Reflects the value of the course in Western economic markets.
$15 – For those on medium incomes and access to financial resources.
$10 – For those on low incomes, caring responsibilities and from marginalized communities.

All states of being & physical ability welcome.


Move Better, Feel Better: Feldenkrais®

When: Mondays 12noon - 12.45pm AND Thursdays 10:00-11:00am AND Saturdays 9:00-10:00am
Cost: 5 class for $70 (pay as you go or fee reduction by arrangement)
Contact: Rupert Watson 027 5853822,

I’ve been doing regular classes at the community centre since coming to Featherston 6 years ago.

I’m trained in the Feldenkrais method of movement education, which is different from conventional exercise systems like yoga, Pilates and the gym.  (It’s easier!)

I enjoy my Featherston students and classes enormously - such a lovely, lively bunch of real people.  Of course it would be nice if more came, especially men.  They need this sort of thing most!

What’s special about what I do is that it enables you to get free of habitual patterns, so that new and better ways of moving, feeling and acting can emerge.  On the way you improve your posture and flexibility, and many common aches and pains disappear.  You feel rejuvenated and more at peace with both the world and yourself.

Not bad for an hour a week.

Belly dance class

Belly Dance for Beginners with Antonia

When: Thursday's 6.30pm - 7.30pm
Cost: Koha to help pay rent

Contact: Antonia 021 1057 649 or email

A gentle introduction to a variety of Middle Eastern and modern fusion dance styles and music.  You do not have to show your belly!  Benefits of dancing include:
  • improved muscle tone and strength
  • weight management
  • stronger bones and reduced risk of osteoporosis
  • better coordination, agility and flexibility
Wear something comfy; leggings and t-shirt are ideal.  Bring your water bottle and a towel or yoga mat for cool down.

Koha Yoga

When: Saturday 10.15 - 11.15, starting July 2nd 2022
Contact: International yoga alliance certified yoga instructor, Thiru 021 177 1857 or
Cost: Koha

Hatha Yoga, Breathworks and meditation helps you to relieve your stress, tone your muscle, strengthen your mind and body to achieve your

1)      Physical fitness
2)      Mental well-being
3)      Optimum peace and happiness


Simply Relax, recuperate and rejuvenate

Before School Checks

When: 3rd Wednesday every month
Contact:; 027 240 7298
Appointments required

The B4 School Check is a FREE health check for pre-school children/ tamariki after they turn four and before they start school to make sure they are healthy and can learn well at school.
The B4 School Check is done by registered nurses and will take about 45 minutes. It includes:

  • child health questionnaire
  • behavioural/developmental screening
  • Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) and Parental Evaluation
  • Developmental Status (PEDS) tools
  • hearing and vision screening
  • measurement of height and weight recording
  • oral health assessment – (Lift the Lip)
  • health promotion and education
  • referrals to appropriate health, - education or social services and follow up
  • immunisation (if overdue) where possible