Policy and Planning


The Constitution safeguards the future of the Centre's land and building as a place that supports the needs of Featherston and South Wairarapa. In summary, the constitution clarifies the purpose of the Trust as:

  • To provide a community space for the provision of services, ongoing and one-off events, activities and classes that maintain and enhance the well-being of the people of Featherston and the South Wairarapa
  • To provide a community facility for meetings, activities, events and projects
  • To provide facilities the community for professional, voluntary, and social service providers
  • To co-operate with agencies, organisations, people and groups in matters pertaining to the well being of the community
  • To serve and support all people in Featherston and the South Wairarapa district.

PDF: Constitution of the Featherston Community Centre Charitable Trust

Strategic Plan

Our Strategic Plan describes the priorities the Board chooses to focus on to achieve the purpose of the constitution.

You can read our current strategic plan here: FCC Strategic plan 2022

Other Policy Documents

A series of key policy documents are used to guide to the smooth running of the Centre.

Please read our  Health and Safety Policy
Please read our Zero Tolerance Policy
Please read our  Complaints Policy
Please read our Child Protection Policy

Appointment to the Board Policy

We strive for a Board that reflects the diversity of the community and the needs of the Trust. There are nine board positions and provision to co-opt 2 additional members. Board trustees work on at least one portfolio (funding, marketing, staffing, building maintenance) as well as the governance portfolio. We meet once a month on a Thursday night to discuss business and track our progress against the Strategic Plan (see below).

PDF: Appointment of Trust Board Members