Browse information about support services operating from the Community Centre
Find a health or fitness program or provider to suit your needs
Community groups who call the Community Centre home
Got some spare time to learn a new skill or lend your experience to?
The timetables for the Community Center are updated frequently. Come back and check often.
Find out what spaces are available and get an idea of what they look like.
Find out when the rooms are available. Registered users can update their own listings.
Bookings are made via this booking form. Once confirmed – you’re in!
As usual, it’s the people who make the difference. The Trust Board guards the vision and supports management.
As one of the few self-funded Community Centers. we must rely on the good will and financial support of the community and philanthropic groups.
The ‘Wake up ‘ call was sounded – and responded to by an energetic and committed band of visionaries..
Failure to plan is planning to fail.
Featherston Community Centre is committed to improving access to inclusive resources, education support, and activities for our LGBTQIA+ and takatāpui community and allies.
Ā Mua Community Resource Centre
Featherston Op Shop
Featherston Info
How to get your winter jackets and warm bedding free.
Check out the resources, either at, or through the Community Center
Where to find a friendly face with a food parcel or good advice on sourcing your groceries
The Phoenix is a not-for-profit community news publication produced for the community
Needlework & Craft Drop-in
Home of Featherston Knitters $2 per participant