
Spring Clean for Featherston

'Keep New Zealand Beautiful Week' is a nationwide initiative involving towns and communities throughout the country taking the time to stop and clean up their patch. The Centre is now the co-ordinator of Featherston's Community clean up effort. During the official week in 2013, we focussed on removing the litter alongside the railway tracks, along the main road and the block containing the petrol station. The turn-out wasn't quite as strong as in previous years – although suspicions were voiced that thumping rain and a strong southerly might have had something to do with it. Furthermore, there was the distraction of a certain international sailing event being televised at exactly the same time which may not have helped either. Next year we'll be looking to recruit more Featherstonians for Clean Up day by publicising the event more widely, avoiding major sportscasts and praying to the weather gods well in advance.

Posted by Paul Mason in Local Events