
Help Keep the Centre Open

Established in 1992, the Featherston Community Centre is owned by a trust on behalf of the community. Rental fees cover half of our expenses. For the rest we rely on grants, donations and services in kind. Please help us by making a tax-refundable donation on our GiveALittle page.

Thank you!

Posted by Paul Mason in Centre News, Local Events

Campaign to Save the Billboards

Thank you for your kind donations! We have raised $600 and this campaign is now closed. Four of Kathy Bartlett's billboards have been on loan at the entrance of the Featherston Community Centre. Now through this Givealitte campaign you have helped raise $600 for these four plus and additional two remaining portraits in this series. Thank you for helping us keep this taonga for the good folk of Featherston. Link to our Givealittle Billboard Campaign.

Posted by Paul Mason in Announcements, Centre News, Local Events

Your Centre Needs You!

Ask not: ‘what can your community centre do for you?’, but rather ‘what can you do for your community centre?’. Are you a dab hand with a hammer and would be keen to help on one of our biannual working bees? Do you have green thumbs and could help out with our flourishing garden? Are you a computer whizz and able to lend your expertise to maintaining our IT infrastructure or working on our website? Do you have a few free hours to help run the Centre’s front desk and extend the hours that it can be kept open? Do you have skills in marketing, communications, property maintenance or finance that you could lend to one of the Centre’s sub-committees or would you be interested in becoming a Board member? If you do think you might be able to help the Centre in any way (no matter how small) and were interested in doing so, please contact the Centre’s Manager.

Posted by Paul Mason in Centre News