What future do you want for Featherston?
Fab Feathy has been beavering away planning opportunities to get your feedback.
We kicked off the process to get your ideas for Featherston’s future with an “ideas noticeboard” at Loco and we can tell you this much, there is no shortage of great ideas in our community! If this is a taster of what is to come; bring it on! To enable more feedback, we are installing more noticeboards around town (e.g. at Supervalue, Featherston Community Centre, Featherston Library, and more) - for all those great ideas that pop up in your head when you are browsing the shelves looking for the next page-turner or getting your lotto ticket! Make sure you seek out these places and give us your two cents.
If you are more of an online creature, we are developing an online survey to seek your feedback. Once we have the survey up and running we will publicise it here, and in the Phoenix.
A quick snapshot of ideas so far includes: community events, walking and cycle trails, improved communication, community orchard and foodshare, developing Wairarapa Moana, safer footpaths, more jobs/training for young people, afterschool care, an integrated town. While we are seeing diversity in suggestions, it is pleasing to see much community agreement on aspirations for Featherston’s future.
Community-Led Development is about our community working together to generate our own locally-led future. This is why is it great to see some of the ideas the community is wanting already underway with locals taking the initiative; especially in the community events and culture space. If you didn’t check out the First Friday Extravaganza in November, then give it a shot this month – this is a vibrant, fun for all ages community event with great tunes!
Last but not least, big ups to all the people who responded to our shout out for help in the November Phoenix article.