LGBTQIA+ Community Information


Featherston Community Centre is committed to improving access to inclusive resources, education support, and activities for our LGBTQIA+ and takatāpui community and allies.

By hosting and promoting events, organisations, and groups relating to our LGBTQIA+ & takatāpui whanau, we aim to increase inclusivity, connectedness, and education across the region.

Our work is created in partnership with Ātaahua Pae Tū Mōkai Fab Feathy.
Generously supported by the Tindall Foundation.

Our local LGBTQIA+ Facebook Group is coming soon! Join to take part in the kōrero, stay up to date with developments and be made aware of events in your community.

Georgia Andrews (she/her) and Kevin Haunui (he/him)

Community Kōrero

On Wednesday 21st September 2022, the Community Centre and Fab Feathy hosted a
LGBTQIA+ Community Kōrero.

This event was held to raise awareness of our rainbow communities, increase confidence around the use of inclusive language and provide a greater understanding of the LGBTQIA+ community as a whole. There were conversations and shared stories, as well as kai and refreshments. The session covered a wide variety of topics followed by an opportunity for some judgement-free Q&A.
We had two amazing speakers:


Georgia Andrews (she/her) is an independent intersex human rights activist living in Te Whanganui-a-Tara. Growing up on a sheep and beef farm in Central Otago, she is passionate about advocating for enhanced social and health outcomes for rural LGBTQIA+ communities. As the first 'out' intersex youth activist in Aotearoa, Georgia has held national intersex advisory positions for groups including the Ministry of Education and the Paediatric Society of New Zealand. Today, outside of her paid work Georgia is the Stakeholder Manager for YOUth&I (an intersex youth anthology that shares the stories and experiences of young intersex people), facilitates global virtual intersex peer support networks, and is a United Nations LGBTIQ+ Women's Rights Defender.

Kevin Haunui (he/him) (Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Āti Hau, Ngāti Rangi, Ngāti Ūenuku, Whānau a Apanui, Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāi Tūhoe) is a Trustee and Co-Chair of Tīwhanawhana Trust, a Wellington-based takatāpui (Māori LGBTQIA+) charitable trust. Tīwhanawhana advocates for the rights of takatāpui and indigenous Māori cultural views that are inclusive of people of diverse sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and sex characteristics. Tīwhanawhana organises space for takatāpui in Wellington to meet socially each week and pathways for takatāpui to experience regional, national and international LGBTQIA+ events.
Kevin is Chair of Hau Ariki Marae Committee in Martinborough. He has been a member of this community for twenty years and is supportive of strength-based Māori community development for iwi/hapū and mātāwakain the South Wairarapa.

Wai Guys Social Group

Find us Facebook: WaiGuys | Facebook

WaiGuys is a group for gay guys of all ages who get together semi-regularly basis for social gatherings.

There are social events always being organised!

Rainbow Youth Group

When: Currently on hold
Where: Community Centre
Contact: Raven -

A peer support group for 13 - 18 year olds.
We have a Discord server for this age group that is run and moderated by the group's administrator.
For more information please contact -
Find us on Facebook