Fab Feathy July/August update

Kia ora

It’s been a while. Over the Winter months, Fab Feathy has been beavering away working on analysing your feedback. We would like to thank the community again for your contributions so far to the community-led development project that Fab Feathy has been facilitating in Featherston. We were blown away we are by the depth of thought that has gone into your ideas for enhancing the future of our community.

We received 205 responses to the Our Future Featherston survey, and great turnouts to the community potluck dinner (April) and afternoon tea (May), and around 450 suggestions posted onto notice boards around town. These are the results of the Our Future Featherston Survey and a Summary of Themes from all of the community input are attached.

All the community input is currently being developed into a proposed community plan, soon to be made available.

We hope this plan will support us work together and that it will help the Featherston community secure long-term government support to achieve our community goals.

We will send a separate message out soon to ask people to put their hands up to help keep the ball rolling on exciting developments.

Please think about how you can contribute your skills and time to ensuring that our vibrant town can reap the benefits of community-led development. 

Thanks from Fab Feathy!

Posted by Paul Mason