Featherston Community Centre is 100% Community Owned

Established in 1992, the Featherston Community Centre is owned by a trust on behalf of the community.

We provide reduced rent facilities so that everyone in the community can access support services and activities.
Rental fees cover half of our expenses, the remaining is sought in grants, donations and services in kind.

Please help us by clicking the Donate button above or via our GiveALittle page Featherston Community Centre – Givealittle.

Alternatively, you can deposit your donation directly into our bank account: Featherston Community Centre, 03-0687-0014184-000

You might consider making a regular donation to the Centre or remembering us in your will.

You can help us continue looking after the community on into the future.

Thank you!

Need Support?

At the Centre we have created a South Wairarapa Support Hub.

Sometimes we have things in life that are challenging and some of us are finding life a bit difficult at the moment.  Need assistance or advice with legal problems, finance, addiction, employment, family relationships?

If you are facing a challenge, finding things hard, feel overwhelmed or maybe you just need to talk to someone privately. Pop in and say hi. We will be a listening ear, assist where we can and there are often experts available to help you, at no cost.


Sign up to our newsletter here

We try to get local community news and views out each month

Iti Art Sale

Featherston Community Centre is thrilled to have gifted the future of Featherston’s ‘Iti’ Art Sale to Fareham Creative Space in 2022.

Fareham Creative Space is a non-profit organisation helping to grow creativity in Paetūmōkai, Featherston.

What's on at the Centre?

Health & Fitness

Community Groups

Arts, Crafts, Music & Play

Support Services

Contact us


Connect with us on social media for the latest news and events

Find us on facebook


Email - info@fcc.nz or give us a bell on 06 308 8239

Contact us


14 Wakefield St, Featherston 5710. Office hours - 9am to 3pm, weekdays

Find us on Google Maps